Karen J Finlay
Karen Finlay divides her time between Washington, D.C. and South Carolina.
Karen grew up in Belfast, Northern Ireland during the "troubles" that raged all of her life until the Good Friday Agreement of 1998.
Karen attended Sullivan Upper School in Holywood, County Down and the University of Ulster. She is a scientist by profession, with over 25 years experience as a Chartered Chemist and Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (CChem MRSC), and more recently, since relocating to the United States has been very interested in nutritional science, health and wellbeing.
Karen has been actively involved in the Leaders and Followers Ministry, particularly around reconciliation in Ireland since after the Good Friday Peace Agreement in Northern Ireland and has enjoyed developing relationships with women in leadership from across the island of Ireland, from Europe and the United States.
Karen is equally passionate about mentoring and equipping next Generation leaders and, as a Fellow of the CS Lewis Institute, was a Mentor to the US Naval Academy CSLI College Associates Program and is a Mentor to the new CSLI Charleston Chapter's Fellows Program.
Karen enjoys mentoring young women, particularly young mothers - each leaders in their own families and communities - and, together with Mark, guiding and encouraging young couples.
Other passions, which always start with a cup of tea, include volunteering for an anti-human trafficking organization, serving as an ambassador of reconciliation among world leaders, and the thrill of skiing down mountains at top speed slightly out of control.