Capitol Hill: Centurion Challenge
Eighty-three years ago, during the struggles of the Great Depression, a visionary social entrepreneur and pastor who immigrated to the United States urged Senators and Representatives to unite in Jesus' name and lead a spiritual revival in Washington, D.C., advocating for "leadership led by God."
Today, Leaders and Followers Foundation continues this mission by nurturing leaders who build relationships grounded in the teachings of Jesus Christ. For over a decade, Mark J. Finlay has participated in Congressional sessions, praying with members and encouraging fellowship centered on Jesus' teachings and discipleship principles. Together with his wife Karen and dedicated colleagues, Mark fosters a supportive faith community among our nation’s leaders through private engagements and small group meetings.
When exploring the concept of 'leadership led by God,' Jesus provides a clear vision of leadership in the Kingdom. In the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 10, we read that James and John sought seats of honor next to Jesus, reflecting their understanding of authority in the Roman Empire, Herod's kingship, and the Jewish religious hierarchy. They desired positions of power, but Jesus responded that the Kingdom of God operates differently: true influence comes from being a servant to all.
In her book "The Jesus Style" Gayle Erwin wrote,
“The principle of being servant to all is devastating to chains of command and to systems where submission is upward. In the kingdom of God, the power pyramid is reversed, upended, so that the authority is on the bottom, not the top.”
In recent years, we have witnessed dissatisfied citizens expressing their frustrations over leadership that seems to dominate rather than serve the people. Many are voicing concerns about pervasive systemic issues, calling for transparency in uncovering what they refer to as the 'deep state' and advocating for the restoration of justice.
Jesus teaches us, the cause of justice will be best served by yielding to his authority and following his teachings.
In the scriptures we read about several Centurions, Roman Officers who were men under authority, men in authority, and who recognized the authority of Jesus. ​
In Matthew 8 and Luke 7, having initially sent for Jesus, stopped him coming into his home to heal his staff member as he suddenly overcome with the sense that he was unworthy to receive Him. The Centurion knew Jesus could heal his colleague without darkening his door. Even Jesus was amazed by this great faith and responded positively.​
Another Centurion, who was tasked with policing the crucifixion of Jesus, having seen the way that Jesus endured this brutal execution told his superiors, "Surely this was the son of God."​
Elsewhere in the scriptures, in the Book of Acts, we meet two more Centurions - Cornelius and Julius - who interact with Peter and Paul respectively. ​
Cornelius offers an object lesson in unquestioning obedience, when he responds to a visit by the Angel of God who issued a challenge. The detailed account tells us that without hesitation Cornelius acted, sending his staff to go and fetch Peter. Strikingly, in expectation of Peter's arrival, Cornelius - a high ranking Roman Officer - filled his home with people from all backgrounds to come and hear about Jesus. It was a faithful and obedient action, in accordance with God's plan to release Peter and thereby to tell the world that Jesus is for everyone - irrespective of social standing, religious tradition, culture, color, or political ideology.​
God calls us to challenge our leaders to recognize the authority of Jesus over their lives and to step into that authority. We ask members "who has the Lord put on your heart on the other side of the aisle?"​ and encourage them to approach that person and to introduce Jesus into that relationship. We offer to meet with these Centurion Groups - twos and threes - and to go deeper in relationship with Jesus and one another.
It is a challenge in every respect. The caustic political environment that we are enduring makes it difficult for Members to be seen to be making relationships across the aisle. It is a challenge because the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few.
As the 119th Congress approaches, there will be more than 60 new House lawmakers and 12 new Senators for us to engage. We must redouble our efforts and devote more time and make ourselves available. ​
If you would like to learn more about this initiative and how you can best support us please call us:
+1 (202) 550-2120